Will a GOP woman stand up against Trump in 2020?

Who’s afraid of Donald Trump? Not Democratic women, that’s for sure. But what about the #NeverTrump women?

4 min readFeb 19, 2019

In the age of #MeToo and #TimesUp, there is no better moment than this moment for women to speak their minds, and step up to the mantle.

From Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, women are gearing up to follow in the steps of Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina, in hopes of becoming president of the United States of America. All of the current crop of women, admittedly, are Democrats.

Running against President Trump is not going to be easy. He will stoop to every foul, gut-punching, and ignorant accusation swamped in degradation. During the last presidential election, Trump referred to Clinton as “Crooked Hillary,” and he spent much of the last presidential race questioning her stamina, mental stability, intelligence, and allegiance to the country. He also repeatedly blamed Clinton for her husband’s adulterous affairs; ironic considering his own history of adultery.

Elizabeth Warren, another woman on Trump’s list of distain, is well accustomed to being verbally assaulted by Trump bigoted utterances, referring to her as Pocahontas. There’s no denying this racial connotation, but in the political age absent of morals and decency, we’re all just living in it, unfortunately.

Remember that time when Trump degraded Carly Fiorina, insinuating she wasn’t attractive, “Look at that face.” In Trump’s small mind, beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder; voters only care about being physically attracted to their candidate of choice; and women solely are judged by their exterior, not character and policy positions.

Trump may be the biggest bully in the country, currently; but he better get ready to be bulldozed by the resistance. Women are feed up. They’re fed up with the mismanagement of taxpayers money and increases in our debt; mismanagement of immigrant children; mismanagement to addressing our crumbling infrastructure; mismanagement of addressing endless wars; mismanagement of protecting our elections from foreign enemy intervention; and mismanagement of accountability, in general.

Women are also fed up of the potpourri mix of responses to repeated accusations of sexual harassment on the Hill — you know, tribal outrage instead of a united moral front to hold bad behavior to account.

Thus, enter the five Democratic women that are ready to take on the status quo. But where are the Republican women? Why hasn’t a single conservative woman stepped up to the plate to take on Donald Trump and bring back class and accountability to the executive?

Also, to bring back conservatism to the conversation. Conservatism isn’t dead; it’s been buried by Trumpism, and it’s screaming to be resurrected.

Our country, once enamored in praise and adoration by other countries is now the laughing stock of the world. We have a leader that heaps praise on dictators while disrespecting our allies. There’s been no improvement to our economy and healthcare system.

Our education system is constantly embroiled in political expediency. And the same can be said of our immigration system too. Don’t even get me started on Trump’s predictable attacks against our free press and Mueller investigation.

It’s not to say Trump and Republicans haven’t achieved anything. From a conservative perspective, they got Supreme Court judges and Tax Reform.

But then, Trump declared a national emergency — holding Americans to his vanity wall project, specific to appeasing only his most loyal base over interest of the country. His base might like the red meat, but the Constitutionalists, included disgruntled “In Trump We Trust,” Ann Coulter is feed up with Trump’s shenanigans and “all this winning” fallacy.

Here’s more eye rolling ditties:

Trump’s other big campaign promise, ending NAFTA — well, he hasn’t — he just renamed it. But either way, our allies aren’t happy about Trump separating from NAFTA, in general terms.

When it comes to helping the middle class, forget about it. As Americans file their taxes, they’re seeing an 8.4% decline in their refund, not increase. So much MAGA winning, right? Or not.

On our bloating debt and deficit, woo child, don’t even get me started.

To top it off, Trump is still refusing to be a moral leader, choosing instead to tweet every grievous that usually doesn’t do anything to impact positive change on American lives.

Sorry, not sorry — but Trump has disappointed, not only supporters like Coulter, but the country, writ-large.

Polls show conservative woman aren’t as enamored with Trump as before. Thus, this seems like a perfect opportunity for a conservative woman to challenge Trump on conservative values and policies. It may be the one chance to prove that Trump isn’t as dedicated to enacting and persevering conservatism as he sloppily portrays.

It may also be the one chance to save conservatism from spiraling out of control — minus the phony national emergency second-hand embarrassment debacle.

Truly, the time is now for conservatives to man up and admit Trumpism isn’t as intimating as thought (i. e. the midterms elections results).

I commend all the women candidates on the left that are saying, “Enough is enough.” Maybe it’s time for Republican women (and men) to do the same. Hint, hint: Carly Fiorina and Nikki Haley!

Photo by: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

