Vice President Mike Pence Used His White Male Privilege

Vice President Mike Pence was the loser in the debate with Sen. Kamala Harris

3 min readOct 8, 2020

For many Americans, the vice presidential debate was monumental, witnessing the debate of the first Black woman to run as VP in history, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Before the debate, commentary detailed the fine line Harris needed to navigate not only as a woman but as a Black woman. Analysis like: Harris must be calm; must not evoke the “Angry Black Woman” stereotype; must not disparage men; and must be put together style-wise, while ensuring that style is not too distracting.

It’s the never-ending, complicated, exhausting game that women of power must learn to maneuver in a ”man’s world.” A game that Hillary Clinton knows all too well.

Harris met the moment and then some. She called out the Trump administration for its lack of leadership in managing the COVID pandemic. Harris called out Trump’s inability to condemn white supremacists. She spoke of the economic despair facing Americans due to Trump’s tax breaks and the epidemic. And she called out Trump’s years of tax evasion. In all fairness, Harris evaded her staunch prosecutor recorded that was harsh on minorities, something, Pence, rightly mentioned.

